FAECTOR Consultancy Project 2021

The applications for the FAECTOR Consultancy Project are open! The FCP is a great way to gain practical experience in the field of Econometrics next to your studies. You will solve a problem in the field of consultancy and data analytics for one of the three participating organisations: the Dutch Heart Foundation and The Ocean Cleanup. You can read more about the projects here.

During this project, you will receive professional guidance from either MIcompany, Bloom or Amsterdam Data Collective, and you will also receive trainings from Gupta Strategists, Amsterdam Data Collective and Rewire to help you with the execution of the project. 

The best part about the FCP is the flexibility. The workload is around 5 hours per week, depending on your availability and the demand of the organisation. We have made sure that, especially during the beginning of the project, everything can be done online including the professional guidance and trainings. This means you can still do something useful and fill that CV gap during the Coronacrisis! 
The project will start in the first week of April, and lasts for about two months. In the end, you will present your results to the organisation that you are working for. If possible, these presentations will be held on the company's location so that you will also get to visit the company and see what it is like to work there! Next to gaining valuable personal experience, this project also allows you to give back to the community by helping these organisations with a problem they would not have been able to solve on their own. 

You have to submit your CV and a personal motivation of a maximum of 700 words. Please be aware that your application has to be in English. You will also be able to rank the projects in order of which one you would like to participate in the most. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us at fcp@faector.nl!

The application deadline is the 24th of March 23:59.