
Note that you can only apply for this committee if you are in Bachelor 1 of the Dutch programme.

Applications for the Eerstejaars Committee 2024-2025 open in September 2024.

Every year a group of first year students steps up to the plate and vouches for a place in the Eerstejaarscommissie - an important committee that carries a lot of responsibility. These first year students are going to organise social events that create memories lasting for a lifetime.

Last year the Eerstejaarscommissie organised a wide spectrum of activities, varying from a pub quiz to a FAECTOR film night. Besides activities during the year, you also get to organise the introduction camp PINKWIN for Dutch students!

By joining this committee, you come in contact with all first-year students and students from higher years. Apart from getting to know many new people, you also learn various skills you do not learn by just attending your lectures.

The Eerstejaarscommissie consists of a supervisor from the board, a chairman and 6 committee members.

The Eerstejaarscommissie 2023-2024 consists of the following members:

  • Stan Franssen - Chairman
  • Femke Tekelenburg
  • Joel van der Vorst
  • Leander de Groot
  • Nikki Bolk
  • Rens de Kleijne
  • Stijntje Sigterman
  • Roos Munnik - Supervisor from the board