Are you a prospective Econometrics student and want the chance to get to know your fellow students before the year starts? Then PENGUIN is the perfect match for you! 

Dear future Econometrician,

Welcome to Erasmus University Rotterdam! We hope you are enjoying your summer (for most of you) holidays to the fullest. Firstly, we, the Freshmen Committee of FAECTOR, would like to congratulate you for graduating and being accepted at our university. 

The PENGUIN weekend is an introduction for students starting the Econometrics or Bsc2 Econometrics/Economics study in September 2024.

It is a great opportunity to meet your fellow students in a fun and informal way before the semester starts.The goal of the weekend is to make you feel comfortable and at home around your new classmates. Starting the year knowing your future classmates makes the introduction to this challenging yet rewarding program a lot easier. We will organise activities during the day and in the evening, so you will be with the entire group the whole weekend. Furthermore, you will be able to meet older Econometrics students who can give you many insights to life in Rotterdam and the study in general.

This year's weekend will take place from Friday 30 August until Sunday 1 September and will cost 58 euros. It will take place in Herentals in Belgium. We will meet up on campus on Friday morning to start with an introductory presentation. After this we will do some games and challenges both on campus and in the city you will call home for the next few years! Afterwards, we will make our way to the location together by bus and have events throughout the weekend such as our traditional Cantus! On Sunday we will head back at 15:00 PM so you can prepare for your first week as a university student. 

Subscribe now as we have limited spots available. We hope to see you on Friday 30 August!


Please note that you can become a FAECTOR member before subscribing to the PENGUIN weekend. Being a member means you can come to all of the events the study association organises, as well as having access to our booksale. For more information or to become a member, click here! It can take up to 48 hours for your account to be activated. You can also subscribe to the PENGUIN weekend without being a FAECTOR member, by clicking on "Login to register" and then choosing to register as an external.